1. Define product design and explain its relationship to business strategy.
2. What are the differences between product and service design?
3. Explain the meanings of bench marking and reverse engineering
4. Explain the meaning of design for manufacture (DFM) and give some examples.
5. Describe the stages of the product life cycle. What are demand characteristics at each
6. Explain the term concurrent engineering. Why is it important?
7. What is meant by the term vertical integration? What types of companies are more likely
to become vertically intetrated?
8. Give examples of services that have a good match between customer expectations and
service delivery. Give examples of services that do not have a good match.
9. Why it is important for a firm to have an effective new product (or service) development
10. What are the benefits to the firm that can develop new products faster than its
11. Identify the two methods used by firms to generate new product ideas
12. Identify and describe major phases of the new product development process.
13. Identify and describe major phases of the new service development process.
14. Explain how simplification and standardization can improve designs.