This study aims to investigate the association between FDI outflow of Singapore and
selected macroeconomic determinants namely income, trade openness, exchange rate
and interest rate. Empirical outcomes depicted that income has significance influence
on the FDI outflow of Singapore where generation of higher income will contribute to
the expansion of abroad investment of Singaporean firms. Therefore, sustainable
economic growth is crucial with the ability of the economy to be resilient during
economic uncertainties. The saturation of the domestic expansion and accumulation
of valuable resources further encourage the Singaporean firms to invest oversea.
Meanwhile, favorable interest rate indicates abundance of capital in home country.
This will enable Singaporean firms to expand their cross border investment due to
lower cost of financing in the home country. Besides, higher interest rate tends to
influence the domestic firms to invest locally due to higher return instead of investing
abroad, hence restraint the expansion of FDI outflow. In term of exchange rate,
currency also plays significant role in the abroad investment of Singapore where
stable economy and flexible towards external economics turbulences strengthen the
currency of Singapore and thus encourage foreign investment by domestic firms in the
long run. However, in the short run, exchange rate has no significance implication
towards FDI outflow. This is due to the close monitoring on the fluctuation of the
Singapore currency under the Exchange rate targeting policy. Nevertheless, results
also indicate that trade openness exhibited inverse association with FDI outflow of
Singapore. This is due to the substitution effect as higher degree of trade openness
contributed to the influx of establishment of foreign companies and entrepreneurs in
Singapore. Subsequently, Singaporean firms will have the propensity to cooperate
with those foreign companies via joint venture. Due to that, the motivation for
domestic firms to invest abroad will decline as they will still enjoy enormous benefits
if they are able to cooperate with foreign companies
Despite that, the continuous pledge towards integrating with the countries globally
provides solid foundation for the Singaporean firms to participate in the international
trading and investment activities. This can be seen via the establishing of Free Trade
Area such as China-ASEAN Free Trade Area or maintaining current trading
agreement such as ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA). The expansion of the abroad
investment provide the solution for Singapore to acquire necessary resources
particularly technologies adoption as well as valuable knowledge as to support the
development of Singapore in the future.
Financial support from UNIMAS and Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia through
Fundamental Research Grant Scheme [FRGS: 05(06)/620/2006(53)] is gratefully
acknowledged. All remaining flaws are the responsibilities of the authors.
ConclusionThis study aims to investigate the association between FDI outflow of Singapore andselected macroeconomic determinants namely income, trade openness, exchange rateand interest rate. Empirical outcomes depicted that income has significance influenceon the FDI outflow of Singapore where generation of higher income will contribute tothe expansion of abroad investment of Singaporean firms. Therefore, sustainableeconomic growth is crucial with the ability of the economy to be resilient duringeconomic uncertainties. The saturation of the domestic expansion and accumulationof valuable resources further encourage the Singaporean firms to invest oversea.Meanwhile, favorable interest rate indicates abundance of capital in home country.This will enable Singaporean firms to expand their cross border investment due tolower cost of financing in the home country. Besides, higher interest rate tends toinfluence the domestic firms to invest locally due to higher return instead of investingabroad, hence restraint the expansion of FDI outflow. In term of exchange rate,currency also plays significant role in the abroad investment of Singapore wherestable economy and flexible towards external economics turbulences strengthen thecurrency of Singapore and thus encourage foreign investment by domestic firms in thelong run. However, in the short run, exchange rate has no significance implicationtowards FDI outflow. This is due to the close monitoring on the fluctuation of theSingapore currency under the Exchange rate targeting policy. Nevertheless, resultsalso indicate that trade openness exhibited inverse association with FDI outflow ofSingapore. This is due to the substitution effect as higher degree of trade opennesscontributed to the influx of establishment of foreign companies and entrepreneurs inSingapore. Subsequently, Singaporean firms will have the propensity to cooperatewith those foreign companies via joint venture. Due to that, the motivation fordomestic firms to invest abroad will decline as they will still enjoy enormous benefitsif they are able to cooperate with foreign companiesDespite that, the continuous pledge towards integrating with the countries globallyprovides solid foundation for the Singaporean firms to participate in the internationaltrading and investment activities. This can be seen via the establishing of Free TradeArea such as China-ASEAN Free Trade Area or maintaining current tradingagreement such as ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA). The expansion of the abroadinvestment provide the solution for Singapore to acquire necessary resourcesparticularly technologies adoption as well as valuable knowledge as to support thedevelopment of Singapore in the future.AcknowledgementFinancial support from UNIMAS and Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia throughFundamental Research Grant Scheme [FRGS: 05(06)/620/2006(53)] is gratefullyacknowledged. All remaining flaws are the responsibilities of the authors.
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