The life of university student is completely different from the life of high school student. When we started in the university it's like we started to be adult. The life of university student, we had to change the habit such as responsibility, study hard because we had to do everything by yourself. When I became university student, I have to adjust to many things. All about learning as a new schedule, preparation for the tomorrow lesson and be on time because we had freedom and we didn't have anyone to remind us, so we must discipline. About lifestyle as making a new friend, tried alone because we didn’t have big friend group like high school. My new friends had different habits, both good and bad, I had to adjust to it. And about examination is the most important both midterm examination and final examination it’s, we needed to read as much as possible because university teachers can't help you and tell examinations guidelines like high school because teacher can't see the test as well. Therefore, The way to lived for good university student life , we needed to be responsible myself, studied hard, learned to accept change and knew to adapt myself.