Thus, he had informed everyone present of the tactic Orthodox Academy had prepared for him in advance, including his opponent.
Was this battle tactic still going to be effective?
Chen Chang Sheng shook his head and placed two crystals into Xuan Yuan Po’s pocket, he also passed a water pouch to Yuan Po’s mouth and had him drink some.
Tang Thirty-Six moved to Xuan Yuan Po’s side and said something to him quietly.
The Li Palace clergyman looked at the Orthodox Academy group, wanting to laugh yet holding back, saying: “Be a little quicker.”
After being urged to hurry, Xuan Yuan Po felt a little nervous, almost choking on the water; Chen Chang Sheng quickly smacked his back; Tang Thirty-Six hastened his words, reminding him to pay attention to battle events; the match grounds became a little chaotic, seeing this scene, Su Mo Yu couldn’t control himself, he shook his head and said: “There was such a long period of time previously and yet all of you just spent it frivolously, isn’t it rather late to be rushing now?”
“You don’t understand, if we told him too early, we would have to worry about him forgetting. Not to mention, we didn’t know who his opponent would be, how could we teach him anything?” replied Tang Thirty-Six, without even turning his head around.
Luo Luo walked up to Xuan Yuan Po and said: “Since you’re going to win anyway, what is there to be nervous about?”
Xuan Yuan Po stammered a little, replying: “It… it… can’t be… helped.”
Chen Chang Sheng stared into his eyes and said: “Just remember Tang Thirty-Six’s words, you will win for certain.”
Xuan Yuan Po vigorously nodded his head.
Tang Thirty finally finished his last minute battle advice; he pumped a fist onto Xuan Yuan Po’s chest and said: “Have a good opening match.”