Proof #4
The fourth approach starts with the same four triangles, except that, this time, they combine to form a square with the side (a + b) and a hole with the side c. We can compute the area of the big square in two ways. Thus
(a + b)² = 4·ab/2 + c²
simplifying which we get the needed identity.
A proof which combines this with proof #3 is credited to the 12th century Hindu mathematician Bhaskara (Bhaskara II):
Nelsen (p. 4) gives Bhaskara credit also for proof #3.
Here we add the two identities
c² = (a - b)² + 4·ab/2 and
c² = (a + b)² - 4·ab/2
which gives
2c² = 2a² + 2b².
The latter needs only be divided by 2. This is the algebraic proof # 36 in Loomis' collection. Its variant, specifically applied to the 3-4-5 triangle, has featured in the Chinese classic Chou Pei Suan Ching dated somewhere between 300 BC and 200 AD and which Loomis refers to as proof 253.