The hedonic test on parameters such as color, texture and taste of
cooked macaroni supplemented with MPP are presented in Table 3.
Macaroni (control) had a creamywhite color, whilemacaroni prepared
from semolina incorporated with 2.5% and 5% MPP had a yellowish
creamy color and a yellow color, respectively. Macaroni prepared from
semolina incorporated with 7.5% MPP had a yellowish brown color.
However, therewas no significant difference (P≤0.05) between control
macaroni (100% semolina) and macaroni incorporated with MPP up to
5% level with reference to color, taste and texture.Macaroni containing
7.5% scored less for taste,which was not acceptable to the panelist. From
the sensory analyses, it was concluded that mango peel powder could be