Fair Trade is a movement that “seeks to empower family farmers and workers around the world while enriching the lives of those struggling in poverty.”
Fair Trade is based on the principal of paying above the market rate for goods that are environmentally friendly and made by workers in safe conditions who are paid a livable wage. Coffee is a significant focus of the Fair Trade movement, because coffee trails only oil in global
trade volume.
Despite high global demand, market price fluctuations can create hardships for many of coffee’s small producers. In the United States, the coffee market is estimated to be over $32 billion,
with Starbucks being the dominant coffee retailer. With its large market presence, Starbucks has been under pressure to increase the amount of Fair Trade coffee it imports. However, doing so has drastic implications for Starbucks’ supply chain as Fair Trade coffee is, by design, more expensive than similar goods. Moving forward, Starbucks must decide whether the ethical mission of Fair Trade coffee warrants the increased procurement costs.
Fair Trade is a movement that “seeks to empower family farmers and workers around the world while enriching the lives of those struggling in poverty.”
Fair Trade is based on the principal of paying above the market rate for goods that are environmentally friendly and made by workers in safe conditions who are paid a livable wage. Coffee is a significant focus of the Fair Trade movement, because coffee trails only oil in global
trade volume.
Despite high global demand, market price fluctuations can create hardships for many of coffee’s small producers. In the United States, the coffee market is estimated to be over $32 billion,
with Starbucks being the dominant coffee retailer. With its large market presence, Starbucks has been under pressure to increase the amount of Fair Trade coffee it imports. However, doing so has drastic implications for Starbucks’ supply chain as Fair Trade coffee is, by design, more expensive than similar goods. Moving forward, Starbucks must decide whether the ethical mission of Fair Trade coffee warrants the increased procurement costs.
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