A ban on smoking in public
Everyone know that smoking harmful for health both smoker and nonsmokers. Why you do not stop! Moreover you should not smoking in the public places , Some smokers that do not realize for effects around you. Cigarette smoke affects the health of secondhand smokers ,the odor of cigarette smoke is disagreeable to nonsmoker ,nonsmoker feel they have the right to breath fresh air.
Although the nonsmoker not directly affected and only a small number of secondhand smokers have health problem such as lung cancer, and death. But this is the problem that no one get it. Some smoker do not realize about effect to people around them not only smoker but also nonsmoker be affected from the smoke goes in the air when smoking near by them.
Today ,many location in the public place creating a non-smoking area for nonsmoker it is a few for solution. Some location where outdoors can not protected and disturb them from odor of cigarette smoke because it can goes in the air so difficult to avoid.
Everyone have private right that can do everything as required. Indeed the smoker have right that can smoking when they want. In the same nonsmoker feel have right to breathe fresh air not pollution from smoke cigarette , they maybe breathe fresh air only in their home but they go out to the public place they not. I think both smokers and nonsmoker should respect each other's rights.
Smoking is a personal right but can effected both smokers and nonsmoker who around you that people may not like, but it is unavoidable. Decrease the problem ,smokers should stop or realize to smoking in the public place and in the future should have the solution for smoker and nonsmoker in order to decrease problem to different needed .Cigarette smoke affects the health of secondhand smokers ,the odor of cigarette smoke is disagreeable to nonsmoker ,nonsmoker feel they have the right to breath fresh air.