The high ORAC result of chokeberry juice indicates that this
product is a very rich source of dietary antioxidants.
3.2. Influence of Chokeberry Juice Intake on Somatometric
Parameters and Lipid Profile of Rats. Aging is associated
with undesirable changes in body composition that expose
older individuals to a number of metabolic complications.
It is well-known that body fat increases with age and is
preferentially accumulated in the abdominal region (i.e.,
visceral adiposity), thereby contributing to the development
of metabolic decline in aging rats and humans, cardiovascular
diseases, and diabetes in older adults. As they age, rats exhibit
linear growth, and both lean and fat mass increase until late
middle to early old age. Fatmass consists primarily of adipose
tissue, but lean mass includes organs, tendons, cartilage,
blood, and body water in addition to skeletalmuscle [34]. daily antioxidant needs.