In this study a dynamic simulation was conducted on a
crankshaft from a single cylinder four stroke engine.
Finite element analysis was performed to obtain the
variation of stress magnitude at critical locations. The
pressure-volume diagram was used to calculate the load
boundary condition in dynamic simulation model, and
other simulation inputs were taken from the engine
specification chart. The dynamic analysis was done
analytically and was verified by simulation in ADAMS
which resulted in the load spectrum applied to crank pin
bearing. This load was applied to the FE model in
ABAQUS, and boundary conditions were applied
according to the engine mounting conditions. The
analysis was done for different engine speeds and as a
result critical engine speed and critical region on the
crankshaft were obtained. Stress variation over the
engine cycle and the effect of torsional load in the
analysis were investigated. Results from FE analysis
were verified by strain gages attached to several
locations on the crankshaft. Results achieved from
aforementioned analysis can be used in fatigue life
calculation and optimization of this component.