Dictatorship means one-man or one-party political rule and all totalitarian regimes, to right or life, have adopted essentially the same technique. The leader or dictator who stands at head obviously cannot do everything by himself. He rule through an elite or selected ruling class and this class is the party which is the basis of the system. It is, therefore, the very antithesis of democracy. Democracy, according to the dictators and their apologists, is a decaying corpse because it is “stupid,corrupt and slow moving.” Parliaments, it was maintained, are mere talking shops, “incapable of accomplishing results, at times of emergency they are absolutely helpless.” Since modern dictatorship is one-man or one-party rule, it permits no political opposition and is hostile to individual liberty. Individual Liberty, according to Communism, is a bourgeois conception, and Fascism and Naziism both, regarded it as a fetish of the past. The individual, it is said, has no life apart from the State, and so he must be completely subordinated to it. The totalitarian State, thus, does not give to its subjects the right speech, the right to press, the right to assembly and all those rights which characterize the individual’s life in a democratic State. In the USSR where they were conceded, they were subordinated to the cause of socialism and a society, the ideal of Naziism and Fascism was “one reich,one people, pne leader.” The fascist oath read : “In the name of God and Italy, I swear to execute without discussion the orders of the Duce and to serve with all my strength and if necessary with my blood the cause of the fascist revolution.”