Fat emulsion (fat e MUL shun)
U.S. Brand Names Intralipid ; Nutrilipid ; Soyacal
Mexican Brand Names Emulsan 20% ;Lyposyn:Lipocin
Therapeutic Category Caloric Agent; Intravenous Nutritional Therapy
Synonyms Intravenous Fat Emulsion
Use Source of calories and essential fatty acids for patients requiring parenteral nutrition of extended duration
Local Anesthetic/Vasoconstrictor Precaution No information available to require special precautions
Effects on Dental Treatment No effects or complications reported
Usual Dosage Fat emulsion should not exceed60% of the total daily calories (Continued)
Children: Initial dose:0.5-1g/kg/day, increase by 0.5 g/kg day to a maximum of 3-4 g/kg day; maximum rate of infusion:0.2 g/kg /hour (1.25ml/kg/hour of 20% solution)
Adolescents and Adults: Initial dose:1 g/kg/day, increase by .5-1 g/kg/day to a maximum of 2.5 g/kg day of 10% and 3 g/kg/day of 20%;maximum rate of infusion:0.25 g/kg /hour (1.25ml/kg/hour of 20% solution) ; do not exceed 50 ml/hour (20%) or 100 ml/hour (10%)
Note: At the onset of therapy, the patient should be observed for any immediate allergic reactions such as dyspnea , cyanosis ,and fever. Slower initial rates of infusion may be used for the first 10-15 minutes of the infusion (eg,0.1 ml/minute of 10% or 0.05 ml/minute of 20% SOLUTION).
Prevention of fatty acid deficiency (8% to 10% of todal caloric intake): 0.5-1 g/kg/24hour
Children: 5-10 ml/kg/day at 10.1 ml/minute then up to 100 ml/hour
Adults: 500 ml twice weekly at rate of 1 ml/minute for 30 minutes, then increase to 500 ml/over 4-6 hours
Can be used in both children and adults on a daily basis as a caloric source in TPN
Mechanism of Action Essential for normal structure and function of cell membranes
Other Adverse Effects
>10%: Local: Thrombophlecitis
1% to 10%:Endocrine&metabolic:Hyperlipemia