showed that the groups of quails supplemented with 2% and 4% sesame seeds or 4%oil recorded
the lowest final body weight. However, final live body
weight of group supplemented with 2% oil like control after
Female and male carcass weight had significant increase
in group supplemented with 4% oil as compared to the control group. Bursa weight was increased non significantly in
male group supplemented with 4% oil as compared to the
control group. Spleen weight was increased non significantly
in male group supplemented with 2% seeds as compared to
the control group. Liver weight insignificantly increased in
females and males of group supplemented with 2% oil while
in male group increased non significantly in 4% oil as
compared to the control. Heart weight increased non significantly in female group supplemented with 4% seeds. Ovaries
increased significantly in all females except in group treated
with 2% seeds while in male group heart weight decreased
non significantly in all groups. Insignificant increases were
noted in testes weight of all groups as compared to the
control. Oviducts increased significantly in female group
supplemented with 4% oil as compared to the control group