Hi Darling,
Good morning from England,
How are you doing, also How is mom, with our son, i hope both of you had a lovely weekend?
i am in my house now watching my car. also arranging all my important document because i don't want to forget any of them ,
i am getting ready for my travel because my flight will move 10:pm London time tonight . Darling , Thank you so much for all your prayer to was my travel but please i want you to pray more because from England to Malaysia is very far, but i am sure that i will have a journey mercy,
Dear , i will call you before i go to airport so i can hear your voice , also i will call you once i arrive in Malaysia tomorrow okay, infarct i am so much happy because we will see each other next week, so we can kiss each other also hug each other,
please Dear, do take good care of your self always because i want to meet you next week with joy,