As you may know, all the products sold in Europe must comply with the REACH regulation. Our brand Shark Helmets is doing an important business in Europe and to guarantee and declare our products are “REACH”, we must also ensure that all the products we are buying comply with that regulation. One of our customers, one of the most well-known brand in the world, is demanding confirmation that we comply with the CFSI Regulation and we need to have this confirmation from our suppliers.
Therefore, we ask you to complete and sign the declaration of REACH/CFSI compliance joined with this email and send it back to us until the end of April 2016.
On the declaration you will need to list all items you are supplying to us and you can find a link if you need more details about the REACH/CFSI regulation.
Please, note also starting the 1st of May 2016, all of our purchase orders will have the mention: all the items concerned by this P/O must comply with the REACH regulation.