1. When Jensen was in high school he was one of the popular guys but was always super nice to everyone. One day he and his mate walked into the bathroom to find a couple of guys bulling another guy. Jensen put the bullies in their place and told them to get lost, he and his mate then made sure the victim was alright. The kid being bullied (I forget his name) says to this day he remembers that incident and feels grateful towards Jensen.
2. At Asylum Con 2007 (corrected. Thanks anon), Jensen and Jason Manns were walking through the lobby when a girl leapt from the crowd and wrapped her arms and lega around Jensen and tried to kiss him. He put his elbow up on instinct and knocked the girl in the chest while Jason immediately through his arm between her and Jensen and ripped her off him. Jensen felt bad for the girl bc I think she then got kicked out of SDCC and he felt bad for hurting her. He was just defending himself.
3. Jensen has a problem with finding enjoyment out of scarring the shit out of people. He used to volunteer at a haunted house every Halloween for 4 years where he’d dress up in a scary costume and jump out at visitors. The amount of gratification he feels when he successfully scares the hell out of someone is borderline sadistic and he’s admitted he may need to talk to a professional one day abt it. He’s tried to scare his daughter but all he got out of her was a giggle. They’re clearly related.
4. On Jensen’s 21st birthday he and his friends thought it would be a good idea if Jensen did 21 shots in a row. Jensen says after a few of the shots he couldnt remember what happened for the rest of the night. But he paid for it the next day (hung over af).
5. When Jensen was 16 he got arrested. At about 3am his parents got a call from police to say they’ve got Jensen in cuffs on the side of the road two towns over. His mum didn’t believe the officer at first but he told her to check Jensen’s bed - where he was not. They didn’t process Jensen and were going to let him drive baxk home but Papa Ackles was like “No. You wait right there. I’ll come and get you.” He was not happy and Jensen said that was a very long drive home. Oops.
6. Jensen and Jared got into a bar brawl in 2005. Jensen managed to break out of the fight and get away but when he looked back he saw Jared being ganged up on and not winning his fight. So Jensen jumped back into the fight and kicked some guy in the head (who landed in the hospital) and ripped Jared’s shirt while trying to pull him out of the fight. Jared still says he knew then that he and Jensen would be really good friends bc Jensen didn’t have to come back but he did to protect his buddy.
7. Jensen can’t say poop! This isn’t a story, more of a fact. But he can’t say
poop! I realised this at Jibcon this year. He and Misha are talking about their children pooping, Misha says he’s fine cleaning up his kids’ but Jensen disagrees and says he can’t even deal with it and always tosses the ball to Danneel. But he never once said poop and when it came to a moment in the conversation where the only word he could say was poop he just froze up and couldn’t do it. He then confessed he has a deep seeded issue with it and hasnt been able to deal with it for a very very very long time. Wow. (He did say poo just recently at DCCON. I was impressed.)
8. Jensen was at the premiere for My Bloody Valentine He was standing beside Paris Hilton and (her friend… i forget her name) and says he heard the most intelligent conversation those two women have probably ever had. “Your make up is dope. Did you do it yourself?” “Do I ever do my own makeup?” He was entertained.
9. One of Jensen’s pet peeves is being on their phones when the plane is about to take off. He was sitting next to a man who was sending emails or something on his phone and hiding it from air hosts when they walked passed. Jensen kept looking at him hoping the man who look up and sense Jensen’s anger and put his phone away. He never did. So eventually Jensen got his attention and said “Hey. Put it away.” with a dean wincheater level of intimidation behind him. jensen also doesn’t like it when people drive and text on their phones. He can tell when someone is texting while driving and when he finally gets around them he aggressively signals for them to put their phone away and then flips them off.
10. One time during season 1* Jensen and Jared got into a heated argument on set that even scared the crew. Fists were curled and they were right up in each others faces. Jared stormed off set and Jensen took a moment to calm down. he felt really bad so he went and found Jared in his trailer and realised Jared had been crying, which made him feel even more bad. Jensen sat down with him and apologised and said this (the show) wasn’t going to work unless they were a team. They made up and have been a team ever since.
This was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be… I know i missed so many good stories..