Facilities & Ticket Distribution
Automatic Token Dispenser is designed to provide prepaid pass service and single trip token. Passengers can select destination and number of required token. The machine will then automatically calculate the fair and give out change as well as print out the receipt. City Line’s fair start from 15 baht up to 45 baht, while Express’s fair is a flat rate of 150 baht.
Facilities for the disables consists of disables parking, especially Braille system and voice announcement indicating the floor for the blinds. There is also as area allocated especially for the disables within the passenger car. Ticket distribution channel and access gate were also designed with the consideration of the disables, of which the height and width suitable for wheelchair access as well as various signs for the disables, which are posted at a regular interval. Toilets, there are also toilets for the disables on the Express Line and at the Makkasan Station, especially near shops and restaurants in the station area.
Ticket Distribution
Every Airport Rail Link station has been installed with at least 2 automatic token dispensers. Number of automatic token dispenser in each station depends on station’s size. Automatic token dispenser at Airport Rail Link station is designed to calculate fair of a single passenger up to 5 passengers. The computer program will automatically calculate the fair, which passengers can use 1 baht, 5 baht, and 10 baht coins, or notes to purchase the token. This machine has an automatic changing and receipt system. Token can be easily purchase by merely selecting the destination station. The machine will calculate the fair according to the distance. City Line’s fair start from 15 baht up to 45 baht, while Express’s fair is a flat rate of 150 baht. After the passenger has paid specified amount, the machine will dispense token as a gate pass for entering the platform, and it will print out a receipt for the amount and give out the change, which passengers have an option whether to print out the receipt.
Airport Rail Link has a prepaid pass, like other trains, when passengers touch the pass at the reader, it will indicate the balance and details of which station the passenger has been travelled through, as well as number of time the prepay has been made. The minimal prepaid value is 50 baht, which passengers can prepay up to 1,000 baht. The machine does not have the change system for the prepaying the prepaid pass. The system that coordinates with the automatic token dispenser is platform gate, which reads the information in the token. If the information is valid, the gate will open to allow passenger to enter the platform. The gate has a capacity of 45 passengers per Number of gate depends on number of passengers and station’s size.
Facilities & Ticket DistributionFacilities Automatic Token Dispenser is designed to provide prepaid pass service and single trip token. Passengers can select destination and number of required token. The machine will then automatically calculate the fair and give out change as well as print out the receipt. City Line’s fair start from 15 baht up to 45 baht, while Express’s fair is a flat rate of 150 baht.Facilities for the disables consists of disables parking, especially Braille system and voice announcement indicating the floor for the blinds. There is also as area allocated especially for the disables within the passenger car. Ticket distribution channel and access gate were also designed with the consideration of the disables, of which the height and width suitable for wheelchair access as well as various signs for the disables, which are posted at a regular interval. Toilets, there are also toilets for the disables on the Express Line and at the Makkasan Station, especially near shops and restaurants in the station area.Ticket DistributionEvery Airport Rail Link station has been installed with at least 2 automatic token dispensers. Number of automatic token dispenser in each station depends on station’s size. Automatic token dispenser at Airport Rail Link station is designed to calculate fair of a single passenger up to 5 passengers. The computer program will automatically calculate the fair, which passengers can use 1 baht, 5 baht, and 10 baht coins, or notes to purchase the token. This machine has an automatic changing and receipt system. Token can be easily purchase by merely selecting the destination station. The machine will calculate the fair according to the distance. City Line’s fair start from 15 baht up to 45 baht, while Express’s fair is a flat rate of 150 baht. After the passenger has paid specified amount, the machine will dispense token as a gate pass for entering the platform, and it will print out a receipt for the amount and give out the change, which passengers have an option whether to print out the receipt.Airport Rail Link has a prepaid pass, like other trains, when passengers touch the pass at the reader, it will indicate the balance and details of which station the passenger has been travelled through, as well as number of time the prepay has been made. The minimal prepaid value is 50 baht, which passengers can prepay up to 1,000 baht. The machine does not have the change system for the prepaying the prepaid pass. The system that coordinates with the automatic token dispenser is platform gate, which reads the information in the token. If the information is valid, the gate will open to allow passenger to enter the platform. The gate has a capacity of 45 passengers per Number of gate depends on number of passengers and station’s size.
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