The faith traditions of the people to the fireballs
People believe that there is a world of human beings. The world of angels and Earth angels. Human beings are under the influence of Angel. The ramphi is a sample that shows respect to the angels and the angels as "free" when treated with rain, wind, sky is considered as the influence of the Elves. If you make a free Bounty. Man, they are happy, so are the Elves worship ceremony. The fireballs might be another point, one way to show respect or loyalty to the transmitting free. Many people believe the fireballs as point rain from the sky, and there is a serpent tales writing like this are common, but this belief is not yet certain evidences were found. In addition, in the Northeast, also have literature one Serpent is car prices, or Toad. Phaya Mengrai fighter with the country the prices until the Elves win a kadai and let the rain fall down, the sky vast serpent to the human world.