4. Initiating programmes and projects in newly
connected areas – ASEAN may consider initiating pilot tests or focusing labour market
programmes and initiatives in areas that are
based on new economic corridors. These are
tying the region together and are likely to intensify economic activity.
The AEC could have substantial and lasting
implications for the labour market in the region.
Forward thinking supported by an evaluation of
the benefits and costs of labour market outcomes
are needed to mitigate risks to workers and enterprises, in both the short and long terms, especially
in the CLMV countries. The ADB and the ILO
could support the ASEAN Secretariat in its regional
initiatives which, in the context of the AEC, will
require greater coordination by supporting mechanisms for sharing and discussing regional and
national roadmaps and policy priorities and their
labour market impacts. The two organizations
could also provide technical assistance to countries
to address their labour market concerns, supporting
labour market monitoring capacity, and promoting
dialogue between different stakeholders at national
and regional levels.