The protection and fault detection
code in the controller ensures the
safety and security of the inverter and
generator as well as safe operation of
the vehicle. The faults have been
categorized into two classes: critical
and noncritical faults. Phase-over
current (continuous and instantaneous),
dc bus overvoltage, losing CAN
communications, and inverter overheat
are considered critical faults. In
the event of critical faults, the controller
disconnects the generator
from the inverter and informs the
SCM of the fault status. Speeds out of
range, temperature above a certain
limit, and dc bus undervoltage are
considered as noncritical faults. In
the event of noncritical faults, the
controller raises caution flags to alert
the SCM, which may take necessary
actions to avoid critical faults.
Noncritical faults are cleared
automatically by the controller when
the conditions that caused them
revert to normal. Once a critical fault
has occurred, a handshake is required
before the controller will reconnect
The protection and fault detectioncode in the controller ensures thesafety and security of the inverter andgenerator as well as safe operation ofthe vehicle. The faults have beencategorized into two classes: criticaland noncritical faults. Phase-overcurrent (continuous and instantaneous),dc bus overvoltage, losing CANcommunications, and inverter overheatare considered critical faults. Inthe event of critical faults, the controllerdisconnects the generatorfrom the inverter and informs theSCM of the fault status. Speeds out ofrange, temperature above a certainlimit, and dc bus undervoltage areconsidered as noncritical faults. Inthe event of noncritical faults, thecontroller raises caution flags to alertthe SCM, which may take necessaryactions to avoid critical faults.Noncritical faults are clearedautomatically by the controller whenthe conditions that caused themrevert to normal. Once a critical faulthas occurred, a handshake is requiredbefore the controller will reconnect
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