Bilocation is the phenomenon of physically being in two discreet places at
the same time. This is not to be confused with various psychic abilities
related to disembodied senses, like clairvoyance or out-of-body experiences.
Those experiences leave the physical body behind while the consciousness
goes about another task.
With Bilocation there are two separate physical bodies in two different
locations, each going about their business.
By now you know that I have firsthand experience with this ability because
of a failed attempt at teleportation
I didn’t realize exactly what I was doing at the time and if I knew that I was
on the right path and knew what to expect, things might have turned out very
differently for me.
The actual technique for bilocation is almost identical in every way to that of
teleportation with one important exception.
One of the fundamental ingredients to success with teleportation is a kind of
“letting go” that I never completely mastered… That is why when I went
through all the steps and was in the middle of the actual act, a part of me
clung desperately to my existing body even as another part of me wanted to
arrive at the target location.
The result was unexpected… I materialized at my destination without
dematerializing from my starting location… and suddenly there were two of
In a way, Bilocation may be combination of two of the skills we already
talked about: “Materialization/Multiplying the fish” and Teleportation.
Remember that in the act of materializing a physical duplicate of an object,
we can bring a sample of an object into the heart of a dense energy vortex for
use as a template to create more of the same thing.
Consider if you will, that in the act of teleportation we have created the
largest and most powerful vortex of any that we have worked with so far, and
that our physical bodies are sitting right smack in the middle of it.
What if our body then becomes the template for a physical duplicate? We
have a materialization of a second copy of our body which, because of the
nature and intensity of the energies involved, may “pop/squirt” (I really need
to invent a better word to describe that!) into a new location.
This explains the creation of a duplicate pile of meat shaped like your
physical body at some other location, but it does not directly address how it
can be another copy of an animated, living “you”. I’ll get to that in a minute.
For now, let me share my experiences with the physical part of the process.
When I experienced my Bilocation, in addition to the “pop/squirt” of the
actual act of teleporting, I also experienced a peculiar sensation of “tearing”
which folks who teleport never seem to have experienced. (Unfortunately I
have not been able to find any other “bilocators” out there to compare notes
To help you understand this sensation a little better, I’d ask you to grab a
large piece of scrap paper, and hold it like you are going to tear it in half.
Pay special attention, and focus your senses sharply using the intense powers
of observation that you have cultivated. Slow your perception of time.
Feel the weight of the paper in both hands. Feel the “one-ness” of it.
Now, slowly tear the paper in half long ways, paying special attention to the
sensations occurring in each hand as you go.
Do you feel the vibrations coming from the point of the tear and radiating to
each of the torn halves to your hands?
When you are done, the vibration stops, and you have a different half in each
hand. You can feel their separate weight.
The actual act of bilocating felt almost exactly like this with the exception
that extra mass was added to both halves through the act of materialization as
you go, so that the two copies ended up absolutely identical.
When I was practicing my teleportation experiments, I would lay on my bed
and attempt to teleport my body to the floor at the foot of the bed, as a safe
When I bilocated, I experienced the same tearing sensation that you felt in
each hand when you tore the paper, except it started out in my entire body
from head to foot, and as the tear progressed, I somehow started to feel it at
the foot of bed too.
The sensations faded in my “main” body on the bed at the same rate that they
increased in the secondary body that seemed to be pulling out of me until
both sensations were at the same intensity. Then the tearing sensation
stopped in both places, and I was literally staring at myself.
The tearing sensation was in no way uncomfortable… In fact, it was actually
kind of pleasant.
What was hard for me was the fact that the two physical bodies were both
populated by the same consciousness: While I was looking at my double, my
double was looking back at me, and “I” was seeing both perspectives at the
same time. I saw me standing at the foot of the bed and saw me actually
lying on the bed at the same time. That was completely disorienting at first,
but it got easier pretty quickly.
I can’t describe it, but somehow I could differentiate which body I wanted to
take an action.
I decided to try an experiment and touched the footboard of the bed with the
“secondary” me, and I could feel it in my “secondary” hand. I had the
secondary me shake the bed, and I felt the sensations, resistance and
heaviness through his perspective, and I felt the bed shaking through my
main body’s senses.
I had my secondary body reach out to grab my primary body’s foot, and that
apparently was a mistake. The second that “his” hand and “my” foot made
contact, I felt a curious sensation wash over the two of us like a blast of cold
air. The next thing I knew, “he” was gone and I was experiencing the
awkward after effects of teleportation that I recently described.
Remember before how I explained how you could use materialization to
make a physical copy of your body via the Vortex? Apparently a single
consciousness can populate more than one body.
Remember in chapter four when I was discussing the possibility that perhaps
the consciousness is external to the body? I speculated that the brain may not
actually control the body directly. It might be nothing more than a glorified
radio station that converts sensory data from the body and transmits it to the
energy/consciousness superimposed over the physical body. The
consciousness actually does the “thinking” and sends signals back that the
brain receives and implements by nerve impulses to manipulate the body.
If this theory is correct, this completely explains why you would get two sets
of sensory input and that initial disorientation that I felt.
With two physically different but absolutely identical bodies, both brains
were transmitting their sensory data to the same frequency that “my”
consciousness was tuned to, so I got two sets of input.
Since my consciousness is the part of me that thinks, it doesn’t have to just
beam its signals in all directions and hope that there is something tuned to the
right frequency to pick it up. It can send its signals back directionally, aiming
them to be received by the specific body that it wants to move in a specific
The whole process is really amazing and deserves a lot more study. I hope
you get a chance to experience it yourself.
Life Extension and Immortality.
Many people are afraid of death and this fear has made the quest for a
“fountain of youth” or some form of immortality a dream of the common
man from the earliest times.
As you learn and experience the skills that I am showing you, you may come
to believe as I do, that consciousness exists independently of the body. We
see evidence of this in Out of Body experiences. We see this in Bilocation.
We see this in teleportation.
If the consciousness does not need a body to exist, the physical death of the
body suddenly isn’t so scary. Death is not “the end of everything”, it simply
becomes a new state of existing and perhaps a gateway for something else.
There is an irony in the fact that the very acts that allow you to come to terms
with the prospect of your physical shell finally failing and you “dying” are
parts of the same skills that can repair damage to the body indefinitely.
The prior section of this book on psychic healing is like doing the internal
maintenance on your house. You dust, you vacuum, you clean the windows,
you tidy up, and you pay the bills and everything keeps running smoothly.
That kind of healing will keep your energy flowing smoothly, strengthen the
immune system and generally keep you in excellent shape, but in general it
will not repair certain kinds of catastrophic tissue damage, damaged organs,
missing limbs or aging.
If you think about it, certain combinations of skills that we have already
learned might lend themselves to some more dramatic variations on basic
Consider that if we have the ability to turn energy into any shape or material
that we wish in the form of materialization, and we have the ability to turn
the body into energy and back again via teleportation, it would seem to make
sense that we might be able to turn our body into energy and then recreate it
in a form that was not perfectly identical to the way it was when we started.
In at least one case of teleportation for example, I have heard that the person
who experienced the phenomena later realized that they no longer had any
scars on their body.
It would make sense that if the Superconscious is reassembling a physical
body from energy, that it could easily make some alterations while it was at
The removal of scars and physical damage from the body would seem to be
an easy task for the Superconscious since it already has access to the original
blueprint of what your body should be. The trick to accomplish this would be
something as simple as indicating to the Subconscious that you would like
this change occur just prior to teleporting.
Then, when the Superconscious g
Bilocation.Bilocation is the phenomenon of physically being in two discreet places atthe same time. This is not to be confused with various psychic abilitiesrelated to disembodied senses, like clairvoyance or out-of-body experiences.Those experiences leave the physical body behind while the consciousnessgoes about another task.With Bilocation there are two separate physical bodies in two differentlocations, each going about their business.By now you know that I have firsthand experience with this ability becauseof a failed attempt at teleportationI didn’t realize exactly what I was doing at the time and if I knew that I wason the right path and knew what to expect, things might have turned out verydifferently for me. Page279 The actual technique for bilocation is almost identical in every way to that ofteleportation with one important exception.One of the fundamental ingredients to success with teleportation is a kind of“letting go” that I never completely mastered… That is why when I wentthrough all the steps and was in the middle of the actual act, a part of meclung desperately to my existing body even as another part of me wanted toarrive at the target location.The result was unexpected… I materialized at my destination withoutdematerializing from my starting location… and suddenly there were two ofme!In a way, Bilocation may be combination of two of the skills we alreadytalked about: “Materialization/Multiplying the fish” and Teleportation.Remember that in the act of materializing a physical duplicate of an object,we can bring a sample of an object into the heart of a dense energy vortex foruse as a template to create more of the same thing.Consider if you will, that in the act of teleportation we have created thelargest and most powerful vortex of any that we have worked with so far, andthat our physical bodies are sitting right smack in the middle of it.What if our body then becomes the template for a physical duplicate? Wehave a materialization of a second copy of our body which, because of thenature and intensity of the energies involved, may “pop/squirt” (I really needto invent a better word to describe that!) into a new location.This explains the creation of a duplicate pile of meat shaped like yourphysical body at some other location, but it does not directly address how itcan be another copy of an animated, living “you”. I’ll get to that in a minute.For now, let me share my experiences with the physical part of the process.When I experienced my Bilocation, in addition to the “pop/squirt” of theactual act of teleporting, I also experienced a peculiar sensation of “tearing” Page280 which folks who teleport never seem to have experienced. (Unfortunately Ihave not been able to find any other “bilocators” out there to compare noteswith).To help you understand this sensation a little better, I’d ask you to grab alarge piece of scrap paper, and hold it like you are going to tear it in half.Pay special attention, and focus your senses sharply using the intense powersof observation that you have cultivated. Slow your perception of time.Feel the weight of the paper in both hands. Feel the “one-ness” of it.Now, slowly tear the paper in half long ways, paying special attention to thesensations occurring in each hand as you go.Do you feel the vibrations coming from the point of the tear and radiating toeach of the torn halves to your hands?When you are done, the vibration stops, and you have a different half in eachhand. You can feel their separate weight.The actual act of bilocating felt almost exactly like this with the exceptionthat extra mass was added to both halves through the act of materialization asyou go, so that the two copies ended up absolutely identical.When I was practicing my teleportation experiments, I would lay on my bedand attempt to teleport my body to the floor at the foot of the bed, as a safetarget.When I bilocated, I experienced the same tearing sensation that you felt ineach hand when you tore the paper, except it started out in my entire bodyfrom head to foot, and as the tear progressed, I somehow started to feel it atthe foot of bed too.The sensations faded in my “main” body on the bed at the same rate that theyincreased in the secondary body that seemed to be pulling out of me until Page281 both sensations were at the same intensity. Then the tearing sensationstopped in both places, and I was literally staring at myself.The tearing sensation was in no way uncomfortable… In fact, it was actuallykind of pleasant.What was hard for me was the fact that the two physical bodies were bothpopulated by the same consciousness: While I was looking at my double, mydouble was looking back at me, and “I” was seeing both perspectives at thesame time. I saw me standing at the foot of the bed and saw me actuallylying on the bed at the same time. That was completely disorienting at first,but it got easier pretty quickly.I can’t describe it, but somehow I could differentiate which body I wanted totake an action.I decided to try an experiment and touched the footboard of the bed with the“secondary” me, and I could feel it in my “secondary” hand. I had thesecondary me shake the bed, and I felt the sensations, resistance andheaviness through his perspective, and I felt the bed shaking through mymain body’s senses.I had my secondary body reach out to grab my primary body’s foot, and thatapparently was a mistake. The second that “his” hand and “my” foot madecontact, I felt a curious sensation wash over the two of us like a blast of coldair. The next thing I knew, “he” was gone and I was experiencing theawkward after effects of teleportation that I recently described.
Remember before how I explained how you could use materialization to
make a physical copy of your body via the Vortex? Apparently a single
consciousness can populate more than one body.
Remember in chapter four when I was discussing the possibility that perhaps
the consciousness is external to the body? I speculated that the brain may not
actually control the body directly. It might be nothing more than a glorified
radio station that converts sensory data from the body and transmits it to the
energy/consciousness superimposed over the physical body. The
consciousness actually does the “thinking” and sends signals back that the
brain receives and implements by nerve impulses to manipulate the body.
If this theory is correct, this completely explains why you would get two sets
of sensory input and that initial disorientation that I felt.
With two physically different but absolutely identical bodies, both brains
were transmitting their sensory data to the same frequency that “my”
consciousness was tuned to, so I got two sets of input.
Since my consciousness is the part of me that thinks, it doesn’t have to just
beam its signals in all directions and hope that there is something tuned to the
right frequency to pick it up. It can send its signals back directionally, aiming
them to be received by the specific body that it wants to move in a specific
The whole process is really amazing and deserves a lot more study. I hope
you get a chance to experience it yourself.
Life Extension and Immortality.
Many people are afraid of death and this fear has made the quest for a
“fountain of youth” or some form of immortality a dream of the common
man from the earliest times.
As you learn and experience the skills that I am showing you, you may come
to believe as I do, that consciousness exists independently of the body. We
see evidence of this in Out of Body experiences. We see this in Bilocation.
We see this in teleportation.
If the consciousness does not need a body to exist, the physical death of the
body suddenly isn’t so scary. Death is not “the end of everything”, it simply
becomes a new state of existing and perhaps a gateway for something else.
There is an irony in the fact that the very acts that allow you to come to terms
with the prospect of your physical shell finally failing and you “dying” are
parts of the same skills that can repair damage to the body indefinitely.
The prior section of this book on psychic healing is like doing the internal
maintenance on your house. You dust, you vacuum, you clean the windows,
you tidy up, and you pay the bills and everything keeps running smoothly.
That kind of healing will keep your energy flowing smoothly, strengthen the
immune system and generally keep you in excellent shape, but in general it
will not repair certain kinds of catastrophic tissue damage, damaged organs,
missing limbs or aging.
If you think about it, certain combinations of skills that we have already
learned might lend themselves to some more dramatic variations on basic
Consider that if we have the ability to turn energy into any shape or material
that we wish in the form of materialization, and we have the ability to turn
the body into energy and back again via teleportation, it would seem to make
sense that we might be able to turn our body into energy and then recreate it
in a form that was not perfectly identical to the way it was when we started.
In at least one case of teleportation for example, I have heard that the person
who experienced the phenomena later realized that they no longer had any
scars on their body.
It would make sense that if the Superconscious is reassembling a physical
body from energy, that it could easily make some alterations while it was at
The removal of scars and physical damage from the body would seem to be
an easy task for the Superconscious since it already has access to the original
blueprint of what your body should be. The trick to accomplish this would be
something as simple as indicating to the Subconscious that you would like
this change occur just prior to teleporting.
Then, when the Superconscious g
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