The epoxy resin homogeneous mixture was poured into mould plate, then first layer of coconut sheath fiber was placed in the mould plate (hand layup) and then epoxy resin mixture was applied. Then, second layer of coconut sheath fiber was placed in the mould plate (hand layup) and then epoxy resin mixture was applied. This type of procedure was repeated for the subsequent layers, and then the mould plate was closed. It was kept on compression molding machine. Then, uniform pressure of 3.92 MPa was applied over the mould plates (purpose of this is to maintain uniform thickness and to avoid void formation during curing) for 24 h at room temperature curing. After curing, moulds were opened to remove the UTCSE composite. Finally, UTCSE composite was weighed to find out epoxy content. Similar procedure was adopted to fabricate treated coconut sheath fiber reinforced epoxy composite (TCSE). The resulting thickness of UTCSE and TCSE composites were 4 mm and 4.1 mm respectively.