Attn: The Embassy of United Kingdom in Thailand
Re: Declaration of Intention to travel Greece, France and United Kingdom during 28 October – 8 November 2015
I’m Mr.Tanyapat Jaroenchaleamsak, Passport no. AA4610305, requesting United Kingdom Embassy of Thailand
to travel Greece, France and United Kingdom during 28 October – 8 November 2015 (12 days) I am responsible for all
expenses of this trip.
I intend to travel United Kingdom during 6 days holiday as above mentioned period and I choose to travel
United Kingdom because I have listen from TV channel, internet and guide book about atmosphere beautiful landscape
of city also beautiful of art of building in city and I want to see beautiful city in London, Take a photo for keep in my
happiness memory.
Presently, I am Owner Beautiful Salon Shop by rent commercial building, as Service and Sales, commenced
on 5 June 2013 until present for over 2 years 4 month, have a profit about 50,000-80,000 per month. I do hereby
certify that I will travel back to Thailand absolutely after finish above mentioned period. I have duty to responsible
to beautiful Salon shop and colleagues where am working.
I do hereby certify that above mentioned statement is true in every respect and can be verified from submitted
documentary therefore I ask you to consider visa for me to travel United Kingdom. If Embassy requires and further
information, You may contact me at above mentioned address and telephone number: +66819780049