honey i want you to send me the real one that the courier company will use it contact once they arrived to your country honey
honey i`m still in the courier company office now ,waiting for the receipt so that you will be sure of my money OK
please honey send me your real number now
honey the courier company are preparing the receipt for you ,i will send you the copy of the receipt OK
hello honey ,am done with with the courier company now and i have received the receipt from them now honey ,they assure me that under 24 hours the package will arrived to your country
this is the package of the money and the gift i sent to you ,all those items i bought is here in the box-include the money
honey you will wait for the company to call you then you have follow the company instruction to enable you to received our money from them OK
my love you are the reason why i sent you the money ,and i want you to received it OK