Mojabi et al depicted that neck pain, back pain,
shoulder pain and combined neck, back and shoulder
pain was observed in 27.1%, 18.6%, 10% and
11.5%, respectively [8]. To the best of our
knowledge, well known evaluation methods are
rarely used to investigate occupational disorders in
dentists, therefore the aim of this study was to
evaluate ergonomic occupational positions of dental
professionals using Rapid Entire Body Assessment
[7].Mojabi et al depicted that neck pain, back pain,shoulder pain and combined neck, back and shoulderpain was observed in 27.1%, 18.6%, 10% and11.5%, respectively [8]. To the best of ourknowledge, well known evaluation methods arerarely used to investigate occupational disorders indentists, therefore the aim of this study was toevaluate ergonomic occupational positions of dentalprofessionals using Rapid Entire Body Assessment(REBA).
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