Table 3 shows the mean total score of the CCHS was 42.67±6.09,and the students who participated in the study had high levels of hope for preventing CC. When the mean scores of thesub-dimension of the CCHS were examined; the mean score ofthe individual sub-dimension was 11.47±2.51, the mean scoreof the social sub-dimension was 19.93±3.68, and the meanscore of the hopelessness sub-dimension was 11.27±3.11.Table 3 presents the mean total score of the CC Worry Scale(CCWC) was 33.72±7.83, and the level of worry about CC wasmoderate. When the mean scores of the sub-dimensions ofthe CCWC were analyzed, the mean score of the anxiety subdimension was 23.49±5.35, and the mean score of the helplessness sub-dimension was 10.23±2.77.