I have some more opinions. The standard of living here is higher than in Thailand, and the German mentality is also different from the Thai mentality. In Thailand if you need some money, don't have something to eat or don't have a place to stay, you can usually ask for help from your relatives or close friends. Thais like to help people in need. But the Germans are quite individualistic. Even if they're your relatives, it doesn't mean that you can rely on them when you need help. People live their own lives, and there're less interpersonal interactions than in the Thai society. There was a news here not so long ago that an old person who lived alone had died in his room since 2000. 7 years later the police finally found out that there was a dead body inside that room. Or the stories about parents who abused or abandoned their children; sometimes they even killed their children. The police asked the neighbors of the parents during the investigation, and you know what, most neighbors didn't know (or didn't want to know) about the incidence.
Last month I moved out and had to seek a new tenant for my room. An unemployed German came to have a look at my room. He smelt like an alcohol addict and dressed very poor. He said my room was too small for him (22 m2), and there was no bath tub in the bathroom (only a shower). I wondered how he could demand a bigger and better furnished room while he was living on other people's tax. I used to watch a few TV documentary films here, some poor people don't know the real meaning of being poor. They still have a pretty decent room to live with high-speed internet connection, and they are.....fat. Poor and fat...hmmm