European guidelines recommend the use of
antiepiieptic drugs (AEDs) to prevent recurrent
seizures after stroke, but prophylactic administration
to patients who have not experienced a
seizure is not recommended.'^°1 American neurological
guidelines concerning the acute phase of
ischaemic stroke are less precise, simply stating
that "There are no data about the utility of prophylactic
administration of AEDs after stroke",'^'!
but they recommend that recurrent seizures after
stroke should be treated in a manner similar to
other neurological conditions. The Stroke Council
of the American Heart Association recommends
that clinical seizures should be treated with AEDs,
and prophylactic anticonvulsant medication should
not be used.'^^l Currently, it is unclear whether
AEDs should be routinely prescribed for the primary
and secondary prevention of seizures post
stroke, as there are few evidence-based guidelines
for therapy of post-stroke seizures