Music education develops areas of the brain involved with language and reasoning as well as spatial intelligence and problem solving. This can result in higher standardized test scores and an increase in your child’s overall educational performance. First, Language Advantages music education increases your child's ability to process and understand language. And improving reading, writing and speaking skills. Second, Social Advantages the research show that when your child learns to work together these can increase your child's overall social and communicate skills Students who are in music programs are more cooperative with teachers and their peers, have more self-confidence, and are better able to express their ideas. Third, Academic Advantages the study found that found that elementary students in schools with superior music programs scored 22 percent higher in English and 20 percent higher in math on standardized tests than students in schools with low-quality music programs. Fourth, Problem Solving Music education can link the ability to form accurate mental pictures of the world. Which mean the ability to solving problem that important to everyday and activities.