The use of authentic materials. The researcher provides
authentic materials to the learners. A newspaper can be one of the best form of
this kind of material. It contains write-ups which are based on reality.
Reading a newspaper, ‘provides them with an opportunity to study language, as
it is used in a real context….’(Freeman D.L., Techniques and Principles in
Language Teaching, Psycholinguistics & Language Teaching
Methodology). In this way the students can apply to the outside world
whatever they have learnt in the classroom. This also provides an opportunity
to ‘expose students to natural language in a variety of situations….’(Freeman
D.L Techniques and Principles of Language Teaching). As, for example,
the students are asked by the researcher to read in the sports section, an article
on the performance of Pakistani Cricket Team in the semi-final. The students
are asked by the researcher to reproduce in their own words, what they read in
the first paragraph. The researcher then asks them to make predictions on the
team’s performance in the final match. They also speculate on what will be the
team strategy in the final match. The whole activity encourages students to put
their own thoughts into words. They share ideas amongst each other. They
constantly receive a feedback from their listeners. The learners act, both as
speakers and listeners simultaneously. The teacher acts as a co-communicator
during the activity. A real communication takes place in this activity, as there
is an information gap, which the interactants cover. The communicative intent
is provided by the urge to know. Sharing of ideas provides an opportunity to
make a real use of language as each person is unaware of what the other will