The 30-Baht Scheme is aimed at providing
universal health-care coverage/insurance for everyone
who is not currently covered by two other governmentsponsored
insurance programs (i.e., CSMBS and SSS).
While the 30-Baht Scheme preaches the concept
of “universal coverage,” it has also advertised itself as a
“pro-poor program” that is aimed at lifting the financial
burdens arising from health–care costs, which could be
detrimental, especially for the poor. According to the
data from the national SES, the scheme appears to be
successful in reducing poverty, probably much more
than other targeted schemes in the past that often let the
poor “fall through” the selection process (such as in the
LIC Scheme). The more systematic and universal
approach of the 30-Baht Scheme, which recognizes the
“entitlement/right to health care” of everyone, makes the
poor less vulnerable to being shut out from accessing the
health-care system and makes them less subject to the
whims of health providers in showing kindness.