1. I gave my grandmother a bouquet of _______ on Mother’s day
a. Money b. a kiss
c. a jewels d. a flower
2. People honor workers and celebrate with day off with families around.
a. Labor Day b. Christmas
c. Independence day d. Earth’s day
3. ________________________ is a day when people in many countries honor their children.
a. Labor day b. Children’s day
c. Wedding day d. Birthday
4. Songkran day is celebrated on every _________ of April.
a. 11 th b. 22 nd
c. 31st d. 13 th
5. To celebrate the New Year, many people shoot _______________ into the air at night.
a. fireworks b. momey
c. flowers d. balloons
6. My favorite __________ are spring and summer.
a. food b. season
c. car d. weather
7. An interesting custom in Thailand is _____________________
a. Songkran b. Loy Krathong
c. Wedding d. Boxing
8. ____________________ is the oldest of the Christian festival.
a. Easter b. Valentine‘s day
c. Labor day d. Mother’s day
9. It is the day when you finish your studies in college or University.
a. Wedding day b. Special day
c. Graduation day d. Anniversary
10. It’s your special day to remember or it’s your natal day
a. christening b. Birthday
c. Charter day d. Mother’s day