All veterinarians, regardless of their professional area of practice after graduation, are responsible for promoting animal health, animal welfare, veterinary public health, and food safety. As such, veterinary education is a cornerstone to assure that the graduating veterinarian (“Day 1 veterinary graduate”) not only has received a level of education and training that ensures sound overall competencies, but also has the required knowledge, skills, attitudes and aptitudes to understand and be able to perform entry-level national veterinary service tasks that relate to the promotion of animal and public health.
The OIE Recommendations on the Competencies of graduating veterinarians (“Day 1 graduates”) to assure high-quality of National Veterinary Services has been developed to provide the minimum competencies needed by graduating veterinarians wishing to pursue a career in the public or private components of National Veterinary Services. It is also a basis on which veterinarians can build expertise through on-the-job training and quality postgraduate continuing education.