Please forgive me for not writing you on time, I have been very busy here submitting reports of the work done as regards the project we have been working on and at the same time, I have been preparing for my journey to Malaysia. I hope you have been okay. How is your family? I hope every one is fine.
I am here once again to tell you how I feel and really can't wait to sit beside you and share my feelings with you. I hope that day will come soon. I am getting ready for my trip to Malaysia and have finally concluded as I said earlier, I will be leaving tomorrow on Sunday been 13th of April and will be in Malaysia on Monday 14th of April. In this regards, before the 20th of April, I will be in your country for you. Do keep praying for me. I will let you know once I arrive in Malaysia. Thanks for those sweet messages, it refreshes my day. I really can't wait to meet a sweet girl like you.
We shall take things slowly and pray for God to guide and lead us to the right way. When He says Yes, No one can say no. I'm in the office thinking about you, I feel so good reading all your mails and all you have shared with me. You are so wonderful my dear. And I really appreciated the time you have provided to respond back to me. I am so sorry for not have replied your mail earlier, it is not easy for me but am glad all are getting over now.
My trip to Malaysia has kept me into a lot as I have to secure some documents to meet the company there. My heart is full of joy having you in my life. You are a blessing in my life and I pray that God who started this good work in our lives shall carry it to the end. He has brought us together to live a happy life forever. To Him is the glory. Amen.
You will always remain forever in my heart. There are a thousand things I would like to be for you. But one of the most vital is just being someone you can talk to. There are so many things I would like to do for you and so many things I would like to say, give and share. But for today, I just want you to know that I promise to be your soul mate and willing to accept you in my life if you allow me. I will always be there for you, and I’ll always care. I may not see you for now, but there is a place inside me where thoughts of you are kept warm and safe.
I thank you for taking your time, And take interest in me. Time to listen to my feelings and reply me and most of all-time to smile at me and show that you care. How can I tell you how much I care for you even though I have not seen you but you have shown me so much care by bringing out your time to email me. Thank you for being there for me. Am so grateful for knowing you, your inner beauty shines brightly and your smile is cherished in my heart.
You are wonderful to me and I’m glad to have met you my dear. All I want is to love you, to wake up beside you each morning, to feel the warmth of your hand and to share each moment good and bad together with you. I want to lose my self in your loving arms. You are always in my heart dear. Thank you for accepting me into your life. Please take good care of your self and my regards to your family. I have told my mum and daughter about you on the phone and they sent their regards to you. My Daughter told me she likes your pictures a lot. Do keep in touch dear, This is my phone number: 00447014213510, and you can sms me on this phone number: 00447763814300.
Thanks as I await your email.