The main purpose of this research is to examine
the effectiveness of Student Evaluation of Teaching
(SET) from a sample of university teachers’
and students’ view. The study adopts exploratory
descriptive design. Participants of this
research were 300 teachers and 600 graduate
students from 3 Iranian higher education institutions.
A 30-item format questionnaire was the
main instrument for data collection. Responses
to the items were made on a five-point Likert
scale anchored with strongly agree and strongly
disagree. Results show that Cronbach alfa coefficients
of measures are in satisfactory level (.86
for teachers’ version and .88 for students’ version).
There are statistically significant differences
among teachers and students based on
gender, teaching experience, tenure and major.
The teachers highly agreed with using different
evaluation methods (e.g., peers evaluation,
self-evaluation, and administrators) instead of
merely relay on Student evaluation of teaching
method. The study presents a challenge to the
use of SET in higher education system in Iran
and, in particular, raises questions about fairness
if such ratings are to be used in decisions
relating to employment issues. The findings
suggest that SET should be applied cautiously in
faculty performance evaluation.
The main purpose of this research is to examine
the effectiveness of Student Evaluation of Teaching
(SET) from a sample of university teachers’
and students’ view. The study adopts exploratory
descriptive design. Participants of this
research were 300 teachers and 600 graduate
students from 3 Iranian higher education institutions.
A 30-item format questionnaire was the
main instrument for data collection. Responses
to the items were made on a five-point Likert
scale anchored with strongly agree and strongly
disagree. Results show that Cronbach alfa coefficients
of measures are in satisfactory level (.86
for teachers’ version and .88 for students’ version).
There are statistically significant differences
among teachers and students based on
gender, teaching experience, tenure and major.
The teachers highly agreed with using different
evaluation methods (e.g., peers evaluation,
self-evaluation, and administrators) instead of
merely relay on Student evaluation of teaching
method. The study presents a challenge to the
use of SET in higher education system in Iran
and, in particular, raises questions about fairness
if such ratings are to be used in decisions
relating to employment issues. The findings
suggest that SET should be applied cautiously in
faculty performance evaluation.
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