This Old Fords Never Die t-shirt design is an original iron-on transfer from the 1970's. It's a collectible Ford iron-on that we'll apply to a new t-shirt of your choice. Simply choose a t-shirt from the drop down list below, add it to your cart, and we'll take care of the rest.
All of our iron-on heat transfers are only available in the limited quantity left in stock. We don't sell imitations or reproductions so when this rare Roach Old Fords t-shirt transfer from 1979 sells out, it's gone for good.
Interested in finding more vintage car or Ford t-shirt iron-ons? Check out our entire collection of vintage car t-shirts. Looking for something else? Browse or search through our entire collection of vintage iron ons. You'll find hundreds of original designs that are over 20 years old, in mint condition and still look amazing on t-shirts. Check out the shirts for details on colors and sizes. SOLD OUT.