To. B2UTY~ ♥
Already!! 2015 is already here~ I was really happy for the one year duration, where in 2014 we were able to spend a lot of time with our B2UTYs!! It was meaningful and there were many enjoyable memories, right? We first met when I was 19 and now I’m already a half-fifty. You had thought of me as a really cute (?) maknae (even though I’m still cute now) keke but my age has become not cute. In the new year I will work hard to show you my more prudent and honest side~ I hope our fans can also fill up their coming year with only things that are always enjoyable!! In the case of there being bad things or sad things that have happened in 2014, let’s get rid of them and I hope you can fill it up with happy and optimistic thoughts!
I believe that if you have optimistic thoughts, there will definitely be positive things coming your way as well!! There is a saying ‘If you wish to see a rainbow, you’ll have to put up with the rain’. BEAST will work hard to have a deep existence to everyone – the umbrella that will help you put up with the upcoming downpour. In 2015, we will continue to always be by everyone’s side, so be by our sides too!!
Did you get it~~ ♥ Have a happy new year~ Labbyu >_< ♥
From. Half-fifty Dongn