This section relates the identity of the additive(proposed proprietary name, type of additive according to its main function, qualitative and quantitative composition, qualita- tive and quantitative composition of any impurities, physi- cal state of each form of the product and manufacturing process character of the active agent(s) (nomencla- ture, biological origin, genetic modification, compliance with release Directive for genetically modified micro-organ isms(GMOs), toxin production and virulence factors, anti- biotic production and antibiotic resistance, other relevant properties characterisation of the additive: physico-chemi cal and technological properties(stability of the additive, other physico-chemical or biological properties, incompa bilities with other feed ingredients): conditions of use of th additive(technological and zootechnical additives, safety data sheet): control methods(general methods and descrip- tion of the qualitative and quantitative methods for routine control of the active agent in premixtures and feeding- stuffs)