This is a late reply to you. I was away on business for awhile.
That was quite a surprise.
Thank you very much.
The Agricultural Inspector didn't like the pork and wouldn't let it through to me.
The rest got thru.
It was fun to see that Nescafe has other products in other countries.
I like the looks of the pajamas.
I find this funny. I'm not that big.
Two of me could squeeze into the bottoms.
I am either a Medium or Large in domestic clothes (depends upon the company).
Thank you very much.
It brightened a very tired homecoming.
I know that the shipping in the USA is expensive and I don't want you to burden yourself.
I enjoy the e-mails and pictures.
4 kittens?????? I thought only 2.
You must be at your wits end.
I call the young ones "monsters" or "demons".
They are so fearless and so "everywhere"
and with others around to encourage the craziness,
it must be pandemonium between naps.
Do Ma and Pa cats help?