casework which includes the following; « Study « Assessment « Intervention « Treatment « Follow-up. But now here I will try to explain the simple process given by Pearlman (below). In order to understand what the case work process must include in its problemsolving help, it is necessary to take stock first of the kinds of blockings which occur in people’s normal problem-solving efforts. The six are: 1. If necessary tangible means and resources are not available to the person. 2. Out of ignorance or misapprehension about the facts of the problem or the facts of existing ways of meeting it. 3. If the person is depleted or drained of emotional or physical energy. 4. Some problems arouse high feelings in a person emotions so strong that they overpower his reason and defy (disobey) his conscious controls. 5. Problem may lie within the person; he may have become subject to, or victim of, emotions that chronically, over a long time, have governed his thinking and action. 6. Haven’t developed systematic habits or orderly method of things and planning. The intent of the case work process is to engage the person himself both in working on and coping with the one or several problems that confront him and to do so by such means as may stand him in good stead as he goes forward in living. The means are 1. The provision of a therapeutic relationship 2. The provision of a systematic and flexible way 3. Provision of such opportunities and aids. All competent problem-solving, as contrasted with trail-and-error method, contains three essential operations. Urgent pressures will often dislodge their sequence; botany conscious effort to move from quandary (difficulty) to solution must involve these modes of action: 1. Study (fact-finding) Study (fact-finding)-the dictionary meaning of study is “to learn about a