Although it is a well-known fact that the name P. edulis f. flavicarpa is botanically unfounded, it has been widely used due to a practical value it seems to have (Piza Junior, 1966). Since the sour passion fruit is a plant of economical importance and the rind color plays a major role in the Brazilian consumer market, with the addition that the Latin term "flavicarpa" signifies yellow fruit, many people could infer that its correct scientific name is P. edulis f. flavicarpa, even if a logical difference does not exist, in practical terms, in using either the common name yellow passion fruit, or the Latin term "flavicarpa". Moreover, the popular names used (yellow passion fruit, black passion fruit, and purple passion fruit) for P. edulis also show that the color does not range between only two colors (purple and yellow). In scientific descriptions, different colors for the rind of the fruit have likewise been indicated, such as golden yellow for P. edulis var. pomifera, yellow for P. edulis var. rubricaulis and yellowish green for P. edulis var. verrucifera (Masters, 1872). Oliveira & Ferreira (1991) reported that the shades of purple and yellow are very distinctive, especially the former one.