Mogliano (45◦33N, 12◦14E, 8ma.s.l., province of Treviso) ancillary
experiment gathered further information on the pollutant
control in runoff water, collecting 60 surface water samples during
the period 2003–2005. The BS, planted in 1999, was formed by
one line of trees and a strip of grass, for a total width of 4m. To
measure runoff volumes and collect water samples, the same facility
described for Legnaro was installed in the BS and at the border
of a field without BS. Total N, NO3–N, total P, PO4–P and suspended
solids were determined. Observations were also made on the tree
growth and CO2 accumulation in the soil in the first year after BS
planting, following the same procedure as that described for the
Legnaro experiment.