Species richness of dung beetles was estimated using the second-order jackknife extrapolation method (Colwell 2004), one of the best species richness predictor with respect to accuracy (e.g. Brose et al. 2003). As units for estimating the total species richness of individual sites, samples pooled for individual sample times (n = 4) were used). Effects of habitat type on species richness were tested using one-way ANOVA. Abundance data were log (n+1) transformed before analysis (Zar 1999). The BrayCurtis similarity index was used to quantify between-site (beta) diversity of dung beetles (Krebs 1999). The similarity matrices resulted was used to compare the similarity of species composition of dung beetles between habitat type and to construct a two-dimensional ordination of all samples using multidimensional scaling (Clarke 1993). The program Statistica 6.0 (StatSoft ,2001) were used to perform all statistical analyses. Second-order jackknife calculations were computed with the program EstimateS Version 7.00 (Colwell 2004) by randomizing the ranking of samples 100 times.