According to findings, codified hypothesis was tested by means of spearman correlation coefficient and the
level of correlation between dependent and independent variables was specified. Hypothesis’s were confirmed with
assurance of %95 and suggested model was tested and the efficiency of model was estimated by modeling
stromal equations. Model 1 is an adequate model based on Amos outputs but a model can be offered that the
amount of statistic X² and reacted RMSEA are less than statistic X² and related RMSEA of model 1 and as a
concession it is an adequate model. For this purpose , exploratory analysis by means of Amos software is
being used. First, optimization´s indicator is being calculated via Amos for generic model. These optimizations
show that below model is more adequate than model 1. In this model, considerer the bilinear relation between
organ zafioal commitment and quality commitment variables causes the improvement of model 1. This conclusion
coordinates with other researches and findings of denir bag and et al (2012), froza.c.andfilippin,r(2002),
teriblet(2004),hinzman (2004), david (1999) piterlak and john geraford (2001). Market-oriented firms can leave
behind a good performance when provide the beneficiaries for all stakeholders. No organization can achieve
customer orientation without a strong commitment culture to market orientation. The higher rate of commitment of
staff, the higher tendency to perform market orientation activitieswill be.
Based on the results, the following suggestions are presented:
Considering organizational commitment dimensions along with drawing attention to customer orientation
behavior could better improve the performance of banks.
To provide a friendly and intimate atmosphere for employees to exchange thoughts and ideas and to
enhance employee's commitment to organization
To understand more customer orientation in banks it is suggested that the necessity and importance of
focusing on customer demands to be described by offering a direct or indirect contacts and providing personnel
with a good knowledge of these factors
promoting a communication spirit rather than segmentation and strengthening shared identity between
different organizations.
Allen NJ, Meyer JP. 1990. "The measurem