Depending on their sector of business, good practice companies also contributed a wide
range of examples of targeted marketing campaigns with strong diversity and inclusion
messages, to promote uptake of their products and services by particular groups such as
the elderly, women, gays and lesbians, and ethnic minorities. These include Tesco’s
introduction of multicultural food ranges in different neighbourhoods to meet local
customer food preferences and Deutsche Bank’s retail banking unit’s targeted
marketing campaign to increase its gay and lesbian customer base. The bank achieved a
directly traceable profit and business success with its pilot in Berlin, and is now in the
process of extending the campaign to other major cities in Germany. Other examples
include the Dove soap marketing campaign by Unilever, underpinned by a clear
diversity philosophy and message, which resulted in a 700% increase in sales of the
product line.
Depending on their sector of business, good practice companies also contributed a widerange of examples of targeted marketing campaigns with strong diversity and inclusionmessages, to promote uptake of their products and services by particular groups such asthe elderly, women, gays and lesbians, and ethnic minorities. These include Tesco’sintroduction of multicultural food ranges in different neighbourhoods to meet localcustomer food preferences and Deutsche Bank’s retail banking unit’s targetedmarketing campaign to increase its gay and lesbian customer base. The bank achieved adirectly traceable profit and business success with its pilot in Berlin, and is now in theprocess of extending the campaign to other major cities in Germany. Other examplesinclude the Dove soap marketing campaign by Unilever, underpinned by a cleardiversity philosophy and message, which resulted in a 700% increase in sales of theproduct line.
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