Since our world has been threaten by numerous environment problems, everyone started to concern more about environment issues such as how much we consume, produce, and discard. Hydrocarbon fuel issues, such as fuel consumption and environment problems, are also the critical issues everywhere in the world because fossil fuel combustion releases climate-unfriendly gas and the fuel consumptions increase enormously but the fuel productions cannot compete with its demand. Because of these problems, a great number of countries have paid their attention to the environment and fuel issues including their waste disposal and alternative energy systems. The waste management has been setup gradually while the alternative energy resources have been searching. Thailand is one of those countries that concern these issues as our country issues. In Thailand, two government departments have been established, the Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency (in 1953 under the Ministry of Energy) and the Pollution Control Department (in 1992 under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment), to manage the issues theoretically and practically, as well as to cooperate with other organizations to deal with the problems [1].
In Thailand, the waste disposal and utilization systems were introduced and analyzed by the Pollution Control Department of Thailand [2]. Several waste management (incineration, anaerobic deposition, landfill, and mechanical-biological waste treatment) was studied and compared by considering their techniques, their complications, products and by-products from each technology, system flexibility, and effects from the systems on environment and public health. From Pramuanjaroenkij et al. study [1], each system was suitable for different waste and area sizes. Since both products from the waste management can affect the environment and can be used as compost and the alternative energy resources, so the product applications should be considered [1]. Pramuanjaroenkij et al. [1] presented experimental information which is obtained from a landfill, a Sakon Nakhon municipality landfill chosen as a study case. Since methane can provide energy from methane reforming reactions, the fuel cell anode reactions with catalyst, were compare to give a clear point of views in methane utilizations. They showed available technologies utilizing biogas from the landfill are presented in Table 1 with some gas processing requirements and pointed that, for Sakon Nakhon municipality comparing with the literature [3], the estimated amount of waste could be used to provide small power generation, so internal combustion engines were more appropriated because of its lower cost and less complication to operate,