The main objective of this study was to validate Pender’s Health Promotion Model (HPM) as a motivational model for
exercise/physical activity self-management for people with spinal cord injuries (SCIs). Quantitative descriptive research
design using hierarchical regression analysis (HRA) was used. A total of 126 individuals with SCI were recruited through
the National Spinal Cord Injury Association, other SCI support groups, and professors in rehabilitation counseling across
the United States. Outcome measures used were the International Physical Activity Questionnaire and the Physical Activity
Stages of Change Instrument. The HRA results indicated that preinjury physical activity/exercise level, severity of SCI, and
commitment to a plan for exercise and physical activity were predictive of postinjury exercise and physical activity level. In
addition, friend/family support, perceived self-efficacy, and perceived benefits were the strongest predictors of commitment
to a plan of action for exercise and physical activity. The research findings support the applicability of Pender’s HPM as
a motivational model for exercise/physical activity for people with SCI. The information can be used to design health
promotion behavioral interventions for people with SCI living in the community.