Pectin was extracted from tomato waste using two different extraction methods to assess its potential utilization as an alternative source of commercial pectin production. Tomato waste was treated with ammonium oxalate/oxalic acid by The sensory properties of food influence food choice, digestion and metabolism. The properties arising from a food’s form, in particular, can alter nutritional outcomes through multiple mechanisms operating at cognitive, orosensory, gastric and intestinal levels of food processing. Expectations regarding a food’s form can influence satiety, sensory ratings of products, digestive processes and post-absorptive metabolism. In the oral cavity, the structure of food influences mastication efforts affecting appetite and energy and nutrient bioavailability in the GI tract. In the GI tract, the physical form of food influences gastric emptying, intestinal transit time and nutrient absorption. Hence, the physical form of food holds important implications for ingestive behavior and health outcomes.