Update on OpenText
o A KDD has been provided to the A&O LPLs seeking guidance on including OpenText invoice scanning to A&O. This request has been denied for the following two reasons:
1. Since OpenText is not used in Japan, support for this functionality would have to come from North America. This support would be very challenging given the time differences and language barriers.
2. OpenText does not support Thai or Bahasa languages. Therefore, OpenText could not be used for some segment of the invoices received from vendors.
o As a result, the three methods of invoice entry into SAP are as follows: interface from legacy systems, Winshuttle uploads, or manual entry. It should be noted that no-PO (GSP PO) related invoices will be routed for approval through SAP workflow. (Workflow is a RICEFW object and the specifics will be detailed in a Functional Specification document.)
o Can you please confirm acceptance of this decision.