4.2.3. Normalization and aggregation
The normalization method proposed is based
on a linear 0–10 scale, the usual range for school
marks. It appeals to one_s imagination and makes
readability and interpretation of actual metric
values easy. Two steps need to be taken for normalizing
the metric scores: 4.2.4. Usage and maintenance
The scorecard is made primarily for the senior
supply chain management team, consisting of thedirector Operations, the functional directors
(Transportation, Warehousing, and Customer
Service), and the three business unit Operations
directors. They will use the scorecard on a monthly
basis to facilitate review of the organization_s
performance. Furthermore, the General Manager
Nike Europe can use the scorecard to facilitate a
quarterly review of Operations. Distributing the
scorecard to all Operations_ managers facilitates
communication and alignment of behavior towards
the organizational objectives